Xcelite by Weller stands for preÂciÂsion hand-held tools that set stanÂdards – not least among imÂpressed serÂvice enÂgiÂneers: The high-qualÂity preÂciÂsion screwÂdrivers and wrench sets are real faÂvorites.
Johnston Companies is a full service distributor of industrial and MRO products. Â We are a woman-owned small business, with separate divisions specializing in aerospace, manufacturing, and government services, providing a full range of parts and products to our industrial customers. Â Through our website, email, phone or fax, our customers have access to a breadth of items: cutting tools, safety products, abrasives, storage units, hand tools, measuring tools and more. Most stock items ship the same day as ordered from our warehouses across Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas.