3M 707387-56833 Anti-Slip Oval Processing Disc, For use with Optical RX Lens, 1.6 mil Backing, Polypropylene, Clear/Transparent
MMM 7100065810
Mfr #:707387-56833
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3M 707387-56833 Anti-Slip Oval Processing Disc, For use with Optical RX Lens, 1.6 mil Backing, Polypropylene, Clear/Transparent
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MMM 7100065810
Mfr #:707387-56833
Anti-slip discs (1705) consists of a 24 x 44 mm, bottle shaped pads designed for hydrophobic coated lenses and used in conjunction with 3M LEAP III finish blocking pad. 500 discs/box. 3M medical materials and technologies helps health care manufacturers design and build more reliable, innovative and feature rich medical devices. Customers leverage 3M technical expertise to select materials and technologies that integrate together for their break through medical industry, device innovations designed for improving or enhancing lives.
- Torque (slip) resistant
- Conformable for all types of lens styles and base curves low edge lifting
- Adheres to various eyeglass lens materials
- Finished good for ophthalmic industry
- For use during edging or finishing of ophthalmic lenses
- Consists of a 24 x 44 mm, bottle shaped pads designed for hydrophobic coated lenses and used in conjunction with 3M LEAP III finish blocking pad
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