Our 3M roto peen almen strip holder holds almen strips for peening intensity verification. Verifying almen strip deflection is an integral part of any workshop that performs roto peening/flap peening or shot peening on its workpieces, so we designed this holder to help achieve accurate and repeatable results. The almen strip holder utilizes three magnets to secure an almen strip during intensity testing, prior to production use. An additional almen strip is adhered to the holder surface to act as a sacrificial surface to place the testing almen strip against so that the roto peen flap assembly does not encounter a sharp edge. The benefits of almen testing industrial professionals who perform intensity verification and testing know this measurement is instrumental for ensuring consistency and accuracy when peening critical parts and components. By measuring the intensity of the peened shot, operators can determine compressive stress on their parts. Peening, a cold working process for metal, strengthens the metal by applying a compressive stress to the peened surface. The peening method helps improve the material's ability to resist fracture, fatigue and stress corrosion cracking. During the use of the almen strip holder, operators can see just how much of an impact the peened shot has on a part testing not only gives operators peace of mind - it helps ensure that the workpieces have consistent levels of compressive stress.
7 in
Roto Peen
2 in
- Almen strips A, C and N can be used on the holder
- Magnets securely hold the almen strip for accurate and repeatable performance
- Designed to hold almen strips for peening intensity testing
Additional Info
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